

Student Association

The Student's Association of Health Sciences is the academic, political and social voice of students in the School of Health Sciences. Working together with students the SAHS Executive provides liaison with the School's Administration and ensures appropriate student representation on a variety of School and Faculty level academic committees.

SAHS activities are governed by a Constitution under the auspices of the .

Student Participation on School of Health Sciences Committees

Student input on School committees is essential in providing a comprehensive and balanced approach to the work of the School. Student representatives are valued for their individual thoughts and opinions, their impressions of collective student opinion, and their ability to bring student issues and concerns committee attention.

The role of the student representative on School committees includes:

  • providing a student perspective on the issues under discussion
  • funneling student feedback to the committee
  • communicating with students about the issues under discussion


Students' Association of Health Sciences
Room 604 Bethune Building
1276 South Park Street
Halifax, NS
B3H 2Y9
E-mail: Minji Kim

2024 SHS Boat Cruise

Boat Cruise

Tickets are on sale for our annual SAHS harbour cruise! A link was provided in your September Newsletter. If you did not revieve it please reach out to Renee.Hillier@Dal.ca Guests are welcome! Please include the name of your guest in the form AND the comments section of your e transfer. Send the total amount for you and your guest(s) in the comment section of the e transfer! We can’t wait to see you!