

Clinical Education

Clinical Practica & Clinical Education Courses

Successful completion of all clinical components of the program is mandatory. Clinical Practica and clinical education courses are required courses in the program of study and it is not possible to exercise the diploma exit option or receive a BHSc degree without successfully completing these courses. In addition, each of the clinical experiences is a prerequisite for further progress in the Program.

A clinical practicum course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis and course outlines provide specific information about the criteria for successful completion and opportunities for remediation. For further information, contact your professor or the Clinical Coordinator in the School of Health Sciences.


Attendance during clinical practica is compulsory. Students absent from scheduled clinical learning experiences (for whatever reason) will be required to make up missed time within the two (2) weeks immediately following the regularly scheduled practica. Students unable to complete attendance requirements will not receive a passing grade.

Attendance at clinical education courses is also compulsory. Students who miss clinical time may be required to make up this time in order to meet the specific objectives. This will only be possible if opportunities exist in the regularly scheduled clinical arrangements. Otherwise students may not pass or complete the clinical education course.

Immunization Requirements

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