FM Human Resources

Useful links for FM staff

  • gives you access topay information, tax forms, and information on benefits and deductions
  • You can check your webmail at
  • 2024 Uniform Information

Useful forms for FM staff

Refer to H's Human Resources website for forms, policies and other employee-related services.

Cancellation or curtailment of University activities

Info on the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)

Collective agreements for NSGEU Local 99 and NSGEU Local 77 can be found here.

Information about the H Professional Managers Group (DPMG) can be found here.

Dal's personal harassment policy

Dal's sick leave policy

Tuition waivers for staff

Interested in taking courses while working at Dal? Information and forms are available on the Dal Human Resources site.

Complete the tuition waiver form and return to Arthur Walsh, Director of Finance and Administration, on the 5th floor of the Central Services Building.

Facilities Management Bursary for Staff and Retiree Dependents

**Changes in 2025***

In May 2011 Facilities Management staff donated to a scholarship fund which is nowavailable to the dependents, grandchildren and spouses of FM employees and retirees. To qualify, the dependent must be in an undergrad program at H University. Priority will be given to those entering their first year, but if there are no qualified candidates, the bursary may be offered to a student already enrolled in an undergraduate program.

The bursary is not available to those in Masters or PhD programs.

The H Awards Office handles applications and makes awards based on financial need.

Each year there will be at least two bursaries of between $1000 and $3000. This money does not have to be paid back.


The application for first year students is available on the entrance application : /admissions/money_matters/awards-financial-aid/scholarships/prospective_students.html.

The deadline to apply is February 15, 2025.


Those students already enrolled can apply through the “in-course bursary application” for returning undergrads which will be available in early September 2025. Check this website for more Applying for Bursaries - Money Matters - H University.

Recipients will be notified in early fall 2025. For questions or assistance email awards@dal.ca

Note – this bursary was made possible through employee donations, and there is still an opportunity to contribute to the fund via payroll deduction. Information is here