

Dr. Arnold Schumann

Dr. Arnold Schumann

Soil and Water Science
Phone: 863.956.8855
Email: schumaw@ufl.edu

Program Emphasis

(i) to identify soil spatial variability, its causes, and impacts on the environment, citrus growth, nutrition and yield.

(ii) to develop reliable, easily measured indicators of important soil and crop factors linked to growth and yield.

(iii) to develop appropriate site-specific amendments or management options for soil improvement.

(iv) to develop and test the best irrigation and variable rate technologies (VRT) for improving fertilizer use efficiency, profitability and groundwater protection in variable citrus groves.


  • Ph.D. - Crop & Soil Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens Ga., 1997
  • M.Sc. - Agronomy, University of Natal, South Africa, 1987
  • B.Sc. - Agronomy, University of Natal, South Africa, 1985


Precision Agriculture / Site-Specific Crop Management
Crop Nutrition / Soil Fertility / Irrigation
Nutrient Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Near-Infrared Spectrometry, Crop and Soil Sensing
Computers & Electronics in Farm Automation and Efficiency

Past Positions

  • Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Adjunct Professor (2007-present)
  • University of Florida, Associate Professor (2007 - present)
  • University of Florida, Assistant Professor (2001 - 2007)
  • Senior Researcher - Soil Science, South African Sugarcane Research Institute, Mt. Edgecombe, South Africa, 1997-2000
  • Graduate Assistant, Crop and Soil Science Dept., University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., 1994-1997
  • Program Manager - Plantation Management, Institute for Commercial Forestry Research, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1989-1994

Refereed Journal Articles

Alva, A.K., S. Paramasivam, T.A. Obreza, and A.W. Schumann. 2006. Nitrogen best management practice for citrus trees: I. Fruit yield, quality, and leaf nutritional status. Scientia Horticulturae 107(3):233-244.

Schumann, A.W., W.M. Miller, Q.U. Zaman, K.H. Hostler, S. Buchanon, and S. Cugati. 2006. Variable rate granular fertilization of citrus groves: spreader performance with single-tree prescription zones. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22(1):19-24.

Zaman, Q. and A.W. Schumann. 2006. Rapid estimation of citrus tree damage from hurricanes in Florida using an ultrasonic tree measurement system. HortTechnology 16(2):339-344.

Zaman, Q., A.W. Schumann, and K.H. Hostler. 2006. Estimation of citrus fruit yield using ultrasonically-sensed tree size. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22(1):39-44.

Zaman, Q. and A.W. Schumann. 2006. Nutrient management zones for citrus based on variation in soil properties and tree performance. Precision Agriculture 7:45-63.

Miller, W.M., A.W. Schumann, J.D. Whitney, and S. Buchanon. 2005. Variable rate applications of granular fertilizer for citrus test plots. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(5):795-801.

Schumann, A.W. and Q. Zaman. 2005. Software development for real-time ultrasonic mapping of tree canopy size. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 47(1):25-40.

Zaman, Q. and A.W. Schumann. 2005. Performance of an ultrasonic tree volume measurement system in commercial citrus groves. Precision Agriculture 6(5):467-480.

Zaman, Q., A.W. Schumann, and W.M. Miller. 2005. Variable rate nitrogen application in Florida citrus based on ultrasonically-sensed tree size. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(3):331-335.

Li, H., J.P. Syvertsen, R.J. Stuart, C.W. McCoy, A.W. Schumann, and W.S. Castle. 2004. Soil and Diaprepes abbreviatus root weevil spatial variability in a poorly drained citrus grove. Soil Science 169(9):650-662.

Schumann, A.W. and M.E. Sumner. 2004. Formulation of environmentally sound waste mixtures for land application. Water Air and Soil Pollution 152 (1-4):195-217.

Refereed Proceedings

Miller, W.M., A.W. Schumann, and J.D. Whitney. 2004. Evaluating variable rate granular fertilizer technologies in Florida citrus. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 117:161-166.

Syvertsen, J.P., L.G. Albrigo, M.A. Ritenour, J.M. Dunlop, A.W. Schumann, R.C. Vachon, R.R. Pelosi, and M.S. Burton. 2004. Growth conditions affect sheepnosing in grapefruit. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 117:350-354.

McCoy, C.W., W.S. Castle, J.H. Graham, J.P. Syvertsen, A.W. Schumann, and R.J. Stuart. 2004. Pesticide suppression of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) (Coleoptera: curculionidae) promoted differential growth and survival of ‘Hamlin’ orange trees budded to five rootstocks in a Phytophthora infested grove. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 117:167-173.

Li, H., J.P. Syvertsen, C.W. McCoy, R.J. Stuart, and A.W. Schumann. 2004. Soil liming and flooding effects on Diaprepes root weevil larval survival and citrus seedling growth. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 117:139-143.

Li, H., J.P. Syvertsen, C.W. McCoy, A.W. Schumann, and J.M. Dunlop. 2004. Soil redox potential and leaf stomatal conductance of two citrus rootstocks subjected to flooding and root weevil feeding. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 117:252-256.

Non-Refereed Proceedings

Zaman, Q., A.W. Schumann, and H.K. Hostler. 2005. Quantifying sources of error in ultrasonic measurements of citrus orchards. ASAE Paper No. 051123. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE.

Li, H., J.P. Syvertsen, R.J. Stuart, C.W. McCoy, A.W. Schumann, and W.S. Castle. 2004. Soil magnesium, calcium and iron associated with root weevil distribution and citrus tree decline: A case study in Florida. Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Society of Citriculture, Agadir, Morocco (In Press).

Schumann, A.W. and Q. Zaman. 2004. Software for real-time ultrasonic mapping of tree canopy size. 7th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, July 2004. Paper No. 210. Minneapolis, Minn. 14 pp.

Schumann, A.W., K.H. Hostler, W.M. Miller, and Q. Zaman. 2004. Sensor-based automatic yield monitoring for manually harvested citrus. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Annual International Meeting, August 2004. Paper No. 041098. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE. 13 pp.

Zaman, Q., A.W. Schumann, W.M. Miller, S. Buchanon, K. Hostler, and G. Perkins. 2004. Variable rate nitrogen application in Florida citrus based on ultrasonically-sensed tree size. 7th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, July 2004. Paper No. 213. Minneapolis, Minn. 13 pp.