

Publications 2000‑2009


135. McFadyen, M.P., Carrey, N., and Brown, R.E. Behavioural and cognitive response to chronic treatment with ritalin during development in prepubertal mice. Developmental Psychobiology, 2000, 36, 248 (Abstract #57).

136. Penner, M.R., McFadyen, M.P., Carrey, N., and Brown, R.E. Effects of ritalin administration on early postnatal development and ultrasonic vocalizations in mice. Developmental Psychobiology, 2000, 36, 251 (Abstract #68).

137. Winters, B., Mathieson, W. R., McGregor, I.S., and Brown, R.E.Ìý An automated two-choice test of olfactory working memory in the rat: Effect of scopolamine. Psychobiology, 2000, 28 (1), 21-31.

138. Brown, R.E., Stanford, L., Schellinck, H.M.Ìý Developing standardized behavioral tests for knockout and mutant mice.Ìý The ILAR Journal, 2000, 41, 163-174.

139. Ward, N.L., Stanford, L.E.,Ìý Brown, R.E., and Hagg,Ìý T.Ìý Cholinergic medial septum neurons do not degenerate in control or p75 NGFRÌý-/- mice.ÌýÌý Neurobiology of Aging, 2000,Ìý 21, 125-134.

140. Podhorna, J. and Brown, R.E. Flibanserin has anxiolytic effects without locomotor side effects in the infant rat ultrasonic vocalization model of anxiety. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000, 130, 739-746.

141. Wright, S.L. and Brown, R.E. Maternal behavior, paternal behaviour and pup survival in CD-1 albino mice (Mus musculus) under three different housing conditions.Ìý Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2000, 114, 183-192.

142. Schellinck, H.M. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Selective depletion of gut bacteria alters but does not eliminate odors of individuality in Rattus norvegicus.ÌýÌý Physiology & Behavior, 2000, 70, 261-270.

143. Podhorna, J. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Can strain differences in anxiety account for differences in learning and memory performance in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice?ÌýÌý Neuroscience Abstracts, 2000, 26, p.2246 (Abstract # 844.8)

144. Brown R.E. and Schellinck, H.M. Behavioural tests for mice. Anais de Etologia (Brazil), 2000, 18, 21-24.

145. Vieira, M.L. and Brown, R.E. Efeitos de cuidados parentais sobre o crescimento e desenvolvmento comportamental em Peromyscus californicus. Anais de Etologia (Brazil), 2000, 18, p. 102. (Abstract).

146. Vieira, M.L. and Brown, R.E. Vocalizacoes ultrasonicas e desenvolvimento em filhotes machos e femeas de Peromyscus californicus. Anais de Etologia (Brazil), 2000, 18, page 205. (Abstract).

147. Podhorna, J. and Brown, R.E. Interactions between N-methyl-D-aspartate and nitric oxide in the modulation of ultrasonic vocalizations of infant rats.Ìý European Journal of Pharmacology,Ìý 2000, 408, 265-271.

148. Carrey, N., McFadyen, M.P., and Brown, R.E. Effects of chronic methylphenidate administration on the locomotor and exploratory behaviour of prepubertal mice.Ìý Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 2000, 10, 277-286.


149. Brown, R.E.Ìý DictionaryÌý entries on "brown adipose tissue", "hormones", "immunosuppression" & "pheromones".Ìý In: P. Winn (Ed.) Dictionary of Biological Psychology. RoutledgeÌý (Taylor & Francis Books Ltd.), New York, 2001.

150. McFadyen, M.P., Penner, M.R., Carrey, N., and Brown,Ìý R.E.Ìý Early postnatal exposure to methylphenidate does not alter later behaviour in the open field, elevated plus maze or water maze in CD-1 mice. Developmental Psychobiology, 2001, 38, 207. (Abstract #62).

151. Penner, M.R., McFadyen, M.P., Pinaud, R., Robertson, H.A. & Brown, R.E. C-fos expression after acute ritalin administration does not differ across different stages of development in CD-1 mice. Developmental Psychobiology, 2001, 38, 210. (Abstract #73).

152. Shore, D.I., Stanford, L., MacInnes, J.W., Klein, R.M., and Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý Of Mice and Men: VirtualÌý Hebb-Williams mazes permit comparison of spatial learning across species. Cognitive, Affective and BehavioralÌý Neuroscience, 2001, 1, 83-89. [won CIHR Institute for Neuroscience Brain Star award for David Shore, Dec. 2001]

153. Gates, L.,Ìý Good, K. P., Schellinck, H., Brown, R., and Kopala, L. Olfactometric methods to examine fMRI brain activation in healthy subjects:Ìý Application to psychotic disorders. NeuroImage, 2001, 13(6), S882. (Abstract)

154. Penner, M.R., McFadyen, M.P., Carrey, N. and Brown, R.E. Effects of chronic and acute methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin) administration on locomotor activity, ultrasonic vocalizations, and neuromotor development in 3-11 day old CD-1 mouse pups.Ìý Developmental Psychobiology,Ìý 2001, 39, 216-228.

155. Stanford, L., and Brown, R.E.Ìý HS mice in the Morris Water maze and the Barnes Maze.Ìý Neuroscience Abstracts,Ìý 2001, 27, Abstract # 536.5.

156. Lee, A.W., Emsley, J.G., Brown, R.E., and Hagg, T.Ìý Large differences in olfactory sensitivity and neural precursor cell migration in three inbred strains of mice.Ìý Neuroscience Abstracts,ÌýÌý 2001,Ìý 27, Abstract # 248.2.

157. Brown, R.E.Ìý D.O. Hebb and the origins of The Organization of Behavior.ÌýÌý Neuroscience Abstracts,ÌýÌý 2001, 27, AbstractÌý #22.23.

158. Schellinck, H.M., Forestell, C., Dill, P., LoLordo, V. and Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý The development of a simpleÌý associative test of olfactory learning and memory. In: A. Marchlewska-Koj, J. Lepri and D. Muller-Schwarze (editors) Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 9, New York: Kluwer Academic, 2001, 459-465.


159. Podhorna, J, McCabe, S., and Brown, R. E. Male and female C57BL/6 mice respond differently to diazepam challenge in both active and passive avoidance learning paradigms. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 2002, 72, 13-21.

160. Bond, T. L.Y.,Ìý Neumann,Ìý P. E., Mathieson, W. B. and Brown, R. E.ÌýÌý Nest building in nulligravid, primigravid and primiparous C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice (Mus musculus). Physiology and Behavior, 2002, 75, 551-555.

161. Podhorna, J. and Brown, R.E. Strain differences in activity and emotionality do not account for differences in learning and memory performance between C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice.Ìý Genes, Brain and Behavior,Ìý 2002, 1, 96-110.

162. Brown, R. E. and Milner, P. M. Foreword to the Erlbaum edition, D.O.Hebb, The Organization of Behavior.Ìý Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2002, F1-F21.

163. Penner, M.R., McFadyen, M.P., Pinaud, R., Carrey, N., Robertson, H.A., and Brown, R.E. Age-related distribution of C-fos expression in the striatum of CD-1 mice after acute methylphenidate administration.Ìý Brain Research: Developmental Brain Research, 2002, 135, 71 -77.

164.Ìý Lee, A.W. and Brown, R.E. The presence of the male facilitates parturition in California mice (Peromyscus californicus). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2002, 80, 926-933.

165. McFadyen, M.P., Brown, R.E. and Carrey, N.ÌýÌý Sub-chronic methylphenidate administration has no effect on locomotion emotional behaviour or spatial learning in prepubertal mice. ÌýDevelopmental Psychobiology, 2002, 41, 123-132.

166. Bredy, T.W. Lee, A.W.J., Meaney, M.J. and Brown, R.E. Neonatal handling, paternal care and offspring cognitive development in the monogamous California mouse (Peromyscus californicus). Hormones and Behavior, 2002, 41, 458-459, Abstract # 152.

167. Lee, A.W.J. and Brown, R.E. Medial preoptic lesions disrupt behavior in both male and female California mice (Peromyscus californicus).Ìý Hormones and Behavior, 2002, 41, 477, Abstract # 153.

168. McFadyen, M.P.,Ìý Lewis, S. P., Bond, T.L.Y., Carrey, N., & Brown, R.E..Ìý Prenatal exposure of CD-1 mice to methylphenidate decreases anxiety and increases exploration in adulthood, but does not affect motor or behavioral development. Developmental Psychobiology, 2002, 41, 85, Abstract #62.

169. Vieira, M. L. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Ultrasonic vocalizations and ontogenetic development in the California mouse, Peromyscus californicus.ÌýÌý Behavioural Processes, 2002, 59, 147-156.

170. Wright, S.L. and Brown, R.E. The importance of paternal care for pup survival and growth in Peromyscus californicus when required to work for food.Ìý Behavioural Processes,Ìý 2002, 60, 41-52.

171. Brown, R.E.Ìý Donald Hebb's "lost" MA thesis: the first draft of the Hebb Synapse?Ìý Program No. 21.3. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. Online. http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2002/index.html

172. Brown, RE,Ìý Stanford, L., Houghton, D., Williamson, M., Currie, L., Luedemann, K. and Hawken, C. Body weight as a confound in rotarod studies of motor learning and coordination in rats and mice.Ìý Program No. 267.12. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. Online. http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2002/index.html

173. Chase, T., Brown, RE, Carrey, N. and Wilkinson, M. Chronic Ritalin attenuates Fos-IR in the rat striatum.Ìý Program No. 808.5. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. Online. http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2002/index.html

174.Ìý Bredy, T.W. Lee, A.W.J., Meaney, M.J. and Brown, R.E. Neonatal handling, paternal care and offspring cognitive development in the monogamous California mouse (Peromyscus californicus).ÌýÌý Program No. 534.9. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. Online.Ìý http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2002/index.html

175. Lee, A. W. and Brown, R. E. Medial preoptic lesions disrupt parental behaviour in both male and female California mice.Ìý Behavioural Neuroscience, 2002, 116, 968–975.

176. Mathieson, W.B., Wilkinson, M. Brown, R.E., Bond, T. Taylor, S. and Neumann, P.E.Ìý FOS and FOSB expression in the medial preoptic nucleus pars compacta of maternally active C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice. Brain Research, 2002, 952, 170 - 175.


177. Chase, T.D., Brown, R.E., Carrey, N., Wilkinson, M. Daily methylphenidate administration attenuates c-fos expression in the striatum of prepubertal rats. ÌýNeuroReport, 2003,Ìý 14, 769-772.

178. Lee, A.W., Emsley, J.G., Brown, R.E., and Hagg, T.Ìý Marked differences in olfactory sensitivity and speed of forebrain neuroblast migration in three inbred strains of mice. Neuroscience, 2003;118: 263-70

179. Vieira, M.L. and Brown, R.E. Effects of the presence of the father and parental experience on pup development in Peromyscus californicus.Ìý Developmental Psychobiology, 2003, 42, 246-251.

180. Stanford, L. and Brown, R.E.Ìý MHC-congenic mice (C57BL/6J and B6-H-2-K) show differences in speed but not accuracy in learning the Hebb-Williams maze.ÌýÌý Behavioural Brain Research,Ìý 2003 144, 187-197.

181. Bredy, T. W. , Lee, W.J.A., Brown, R.E. , and Meaney, M.J.Ìý Effect of neonatal handling and paternal care on hippocampal NMDA subunit expression in the monogamous California mouse (Peromyscus californicus).Ìý Hormones and Behavior, 2003, 44, 39-40. (Abstract #141).

182. Brown, R.E. and Milner, P.M.Ìý The legacy of Donald O. Hebb: more than the Hebb synapse. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2003, 4, 1013-1019.

183. Brown, R.E.Ìý Mouse misbehaviour.Ìý Revista de Etologia, 2003, 5, p. 54. (Abstract).

183a. Brown, R. E.. D.O. Hebb and neuroscience education. Program No. 22.5. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003. Online. http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2003/index.html

183b. Brown, R.E. andÌý Wong, A. A. Strain differences in Morris water maze performance in mice may be accounted for by differences in visual acuity.Ìý Program No. 289.8. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003. Online.

183c. Stanford, L.E., Gunn, R.K. and Brown, R.E. Using the radial arm maze to examine three types of learning and memory with male and female HS/IBG mice.Ìý Program No. 718.14. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003. Online.

183d. Bond, T.L.Y., Hawken, C.M., McFadyen-Leussis, M.P., Carrey, N. and Brown, R.E. Attenuation of maternal behaviour in virgin CD-1 mice by methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin).Ìý Program No. 728.5. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003. Online.


184. Wright, S.L. and Brown, R.E. Sex differences in ultrasonic vocalizations and coordinated movements in the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus). Behavioural Processes, 2004, 65, 155-162

185.Ìý McFadyen-Leussis, M.P.,Ìý Lewis, S. P., Bond, T.L.Y., Carrey, N., & Brown, R.E..Ìý Prenatal exposure ofÌý CD-1 mice to methylphenidate decreases anxiety and increases exploration in adulthood, but does not affect motor or behavioral development.ÌýÌý Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior,Ìý 2004, 77, 491-500.

186. Hawken, C. M., Brown,Ìý R.E., Carrey, N., and Wilkinson, M.Ìý Long-term methylphenidate treatment down-regulations c-fos in the striatum of male CD-1 mice. Neuroreport , 2004, 15, 1045-1048.

187. Bredy, T.W., Lee, W. J. A., Meaney, M. J. and Brown, R. E.ÌýÌý Effect of neonatal handling and paternal care on offspring cognitive development in the monogamous California mouse (Peromyscus californicus).Ìý Hormones and Behavior,, 2004, 46, 30-38.Ìý [With June 2004 cover photo].

188. Yan, Q.J., Asafo-Adjei1, P.K., Arnold, H.M., Brown, R.E., & Bauchwitz, R.P.Ìý A phenotypic and molecular characterization of the fmr1-tm1Cgr Fragile X mouse. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2004, 3, 337- 359.

189.Ìý Bredy, T.W., O’Reilly, J.M., Brown, R.E., and Meaney, M.J. Effect of resource availability on biparental care and offspring behavioral development in the monogamous California mouse. Developmental Psychobiology, 45, p.265, (Abstract #23).

190.Ìý Wong, A.A. and Brown, R.E.Ìý The influence of visual ability on the behaviour of 13 strains of mice in a battery of tests. Program No. 83.7. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2004. Online. http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2004/index.html

191.ÌýÌý Brown, R. E.Ìý Olds and Milner 1954: Fifty years of pleasure centres in the brain.Ìý Program No. 25.13. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2004. Online. http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2004/index.html


192.Ìý Slotnick, B., Schellinck, H., and Brown, R.Ìý Olfaction.Ìý InÌý I. Q. Whishaw & B. Kolb (Eds.) The behavior of the laboratory rat: a handbook with tests. Pages 90-104.Ìý Oxford University Press, 2005.

193.Ìý Baker, S.A., Stanford, L.E., Brown, R.E. and Hagg, T,ÌýÌýÌý Maturation but not survival of dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons is affected in developing and aging BDNF-deficient mice.Ìý Brain Research, 2005, 1039, 177-188.

194.Ìý Chase, T. D., Carrey, N., Brown, R.E., and Wilkinson, M. Methylphenidate regulates c-fos and fosB expression in multiple regions of the immature rat brain. Developmental Brain Research, 2005,156,1-12.

195.Ìý Brown, R.E. Retinal dystrophies: Functional genomics to gene therapy.Ìý Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2005, 4, 399-400. [Book Review]

196.Ìý Good, K. P., Schellinck, H.,Ìý Leslie, R., Gates, L., Milliken, H., Brown, R.., Haacke, E.M.., andÌý Kopala, L.Ìý Preliminary evidence for different BOLD response between patients with psychotic disorders and healthy controls during olfactory processing.Ìý Schizophrenia Bulletin 2005 31: 183-605; Special Issue: Abstracts of the XX International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. ( Absract #112022).

197.Ìý Brown, R.E. Donald Olding Hebb as a student: From poet to teacher to psychologist.Ìý Proceedings of the Cheiron 37th Annual Meeting, 2005, pages 180-182.

198.Ìý Chase, T. D., Carrey, N., Brown, R.E., & Wilkinson, M. Methylphenidate differentially regulates c-fos and fosB expression in the developing rat striatum. Developmental Brain Research, 2005,157,181-191.

199.Ìý Brown, R.E., Gunn, R., and Parks, N.ÌýÌý Are Coloboma mice a good model of ADHD?Ìý Developmental Psychobiology,Ìý 2005, 47, p.421 (Abstract #23).ÌýÌý

200. Brown, R.E. and Wong, A. A. The importance of visual ability in behavioural testing of mice.Ìý In L. P. J.J. Noldus, F. Grieco, L.W.S. Loijens, and P.H. Zimmerman (editors), Proceedings of the FifthÌý Measuring Behaviour Meeting, Wageningen,Ìý Holland.Ìý Wageningen, Holland,Ìý Noldus Information Technology, 2005, pp. 378-381.

200a. Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý D. O. Hebb and the role of experience in the development of intelligence.Ìý Program No. 18.8. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2005. Online. http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2005/index.html

200b. Wong, A.A. and. Brown, R.E. Age-related changes in visual acuity, learning, and memory inÌý C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice.ÌýÌý Program No. 199.17. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2005. Online. http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2005/index.html

200.c.Ìý O'Leary, T.P., andÌý Brown, R.E.Ìý Is the Barnes maze a test of spatial learning and memory in mice? Program No. 995.13. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2005. Online. http://sfn.scholarone.com/itin2005/index.html


201. Wong, A.A.Ìý and Brown R.E.ÌýÌý Visual detection, pattern discrimination and visual acuity in 14 strains of mice.Ìý Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2006, 5, 389-403.

202. Brown R.E.ÌýÌý Donald Olding Hebb. The Organization of Behavior.ÌýÌý In: Claude Corbo (editor), Monuments Intellectuels. Québecois du XXe siècle, Sillery, Quebec: Septendrion, 2006, 75-84.

203. Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý The life and work of Donald Olding Hebb.ÌýÌý Acta Neurologica Taiwanica, 2006, 15 (2), 127-142.


204. Wong, A. A. and Brown. R.E.ÌýÌý Age-related changes in visual acuity, learning and memory in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice.Ìý Neurobiology of Aging,Ìý 2007, 28, 1577-1593.

205.Ìý Bredy, T.W., Brown, R.E., and Meaney, M.J.Ìý Effect of resource availability on biparental care, and offspring neural and behavioural development in the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus).Ìý European Journal of Neuroscience,Ìý 2007, 25 (2), 567-575.

206. Brown, R.E. and Wong, A.A.Ìý The influence of visual ability on learning and memory performance in 13 strains of mice.ÌýÌý Learning and Memory, 2007, 14(2):134-144.

207. Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý Alfred McCoy, Hebb the CIA and torture.Ìý ÌýJournal of the History of the Behavioural Sciences, 2007, 43 (2), 205-213.

208.Ìý Brown, R.E.Ìý Commentary: Journal of Environmental Neuroscience and Biomedicine: A new journal and a new experiment.Ìý Journal of Environmental Neuroscience and Biomedicine, 2007, 1 (1), 79-80.

209.Ìý Brown, R.E.Ìý Plenary.Ìý Drug, - environment interactions in development.Ìý Journal of Environmental Neuroscience and Biomedicine, 2007, 1(1), page 71. (abstract)

210. Lee, W.J.A. and Brown. R.E.Ìý Comparison of medial preoptic, amygdala, and nucleus accumbens lesions on parental behaviour in male and female California mice, Peromyscus californicus.Ìý Physiology and Behavior, 2007, 92, 617-628.

211.Ìý Brown, R. E.Ìý The life and work of Donald Olding Hebb: Canada's greatest psychologist.Ìý The Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, 2007, 44 (1), 1-25.

212.Ìý Brown, R.E., Gunn, R., and Keenan, M-E.Ìý Behavioural analysis of the Coloboma mouse: Dissociation of sensory, motor and cognitive impairments.Ìý Developmental Psychobiology, 2007, 49 (7), page 723. (abstract).

213. Brown, R.E. Donald O. Hebb and the study of sensory deprivation: The X-38 Project.Ìý Program No. 24.4,Ìý 2007 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience. Online.

214. Brown RE, Gunn RK, Covey J & Whittaker A.Ìý Comparison of age-related behavioral changes in two double transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s Disease.Ìý Program No. 887.9,Ìý 2007 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, Online.

215. O'Leary, T.P and Brown, R.E. The effects of apparatus design and test procedure on learning and memory performance of C57BL/6J mice on the Barnes maze.Ìý Program No. 638.16,Ìý 2007 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, Online.

216. Wong, A.A.,Ìý Johnston, A., Duffy, K. and Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý Age-related changes in visual ability and transneural labeling in the superior colliculus of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice. Program No.96.18,Ìý 2007 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, Online.

217. Brown, R.E. Behavioural phenotyping of transgenic mice. Invited paper,ÌýÌý Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2007, 61 (4), 328-344.

218. Brown, R.E., Keenan, M-E., and Gunn, R.Ìý Dissecting mouse models of human neuro-degenerative disorders: A DSM-IV for the mouse.ÌýÌý Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2007, 61 (4), page 364 (Abstract).

2008 ÌýÌý

219. Wong, A. A. and Brown, R.E. Visual and other sensory abilities of mice and their influence onÌý behavioral measures of cognitive function. In Leo M. Chalupa and Robert W. WilliamsÌý (Editors) Eye, Retina, and Visual System of the Mouse, Chapter 2, pages 13-34. Cambridge, Mass:Ìý MIT Press, 2008.

220.Ìý Brown, R. E., Gunn, R. K., Schellinck, H. S., Wong, A. A. and , T. P.(2004).Ìý Anxiety, exploratory behavior, and motor activity in 13 strains of mice. MPD: 94. Mouse Phenome Database Web Site, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine USA. World Wide Web (http://www.jax.org/phenome, March 2007). [available 18 March 2008].

221. Brown, R. E., Schellinck, H. S., Gunn, R. K., Wong, A. A. and O'Leary, T. P. (2004). Visual acuity and spatial, motor and olfactory learning and memory in 13 strains of mice.Ìý MPD: 225. Mouse Phenome Database Web Site, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor,Ìý Maine USA. World Wide Web (http://www.jax.org/phenome, March 2007).Ìý [available 18 March 2008].

222. Brown, R.E. The X-38 project: Donald O. Hebb and the study of perceptual isolation. Canadian Psychology, 2008, 49 (2a), pp. 241-242. (Abstract).

223. Glickman, S.E. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Hebb, Donald Olding.Ìý New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol. 3. Noretta Koertge (Editor-in-Chief), Thompson/Gale, Detroit, 2008, pages 267-272.

224. O'Leary, T. P. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Visuo-spatial learning and memory in an aged double transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.ÌýÌýÌý Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2008, 4 (4, Suppl. 2), T241.Ìý (Abstract #P1-117).

225. Gunn, R.K., Whittaker, A.L., and Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý Evaluation of species-typical behavior, learning and memory in a single transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.ÌýÌý Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2008, 4 (4, Suppl. 2), T236-237. (Abstract #P1-102)

226. Brown, R.E,Ìý Hernandez-Lee, J., Gunn, R.K., and Duffy, K.R.Ìý Comparison of species-typical and social behaviours in two double-transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease at 12 months of age.ÌýÌýÌýÌý Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2008, 4 (4, Suppl. 2), T237. (Abstract #P1-103).

227. Leussis, M.P., Bond, T.L.Y., Hawken, C. M.,Ìý and Brown, R.E.Ìý Attenuation of maternal behaviour in virgin CD-1 mice by methylphenidate hydrochloride.Ìý Physiology and Behavior, 2008, 95, 395-399.

227a. O'Leary, T. P.Ìý and Brown, R.E. Effects of apparatus design and test procedure on learning and memory performance of C57BL/6J mice on the Barnes maze.Ìý InÌýÌý A.J. Spink, et al., (Editors), Proceedings of Measuring Behaviour 2008,Ìý Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2008,Ìý page 209.

227b. Brown, R.E. Detecting, measuring and correcting errors in automated behavior analysis equipment. InÌýÌý A.J. Spink, et al., (Editors), Proceedings of Measuring Behaviour 2008,Ìý Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2008, page 212-213.

228. Brown, R.E. and Lee, K. Genetic and maternal effects on development in Coloboma and C3H mouse pups.Ìý Developmental Psychobiology, 2008, 50 (7), page 723.Ìý (Abstract #11).

229. Brown, R.E.Ìý Catherine Olding Hebb (1911 - 1978): Pioneer Researcher on Acetylcholine in the Brain.Ìý Program No.221.7/TT65. 2008 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online.Ìý (Abstract # 221).

230. Brown, R.E., Hernandez-Lee, J., Gunn, R. and Duffy, K.Ìý Comparison of species-typical and social behaviours in two double-transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's Disease at 12 months of age.Ìý Program No. 543.20/S3.ÌýÌý 2008 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online.Ìý (Abstract #543).

231. Wong, A.A. and Brown, R.E.Ìý The prevention of visual and cognitive impairment in the DBA/2J mouse model of glaucoma.Ìý Program No.454.5/CC13 .Ìý 2008 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online. (Abstract #454).

232. Brown, R.E. Epigenetics: The future of psychology. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2008, 62, page 303. (Abstract).


233.Ìý O'Leary T. P. and Brown R. E. Visuo-spatial learning and memory deficits in the Barnes maze in the 16 month old APPswe/PS1dE9 mouse model of Alzheimer's Disease. Behavioural Brain Research,2009, 201, 120-127.

234. Brown, R. Review of Pierre Bayard: Sherlock Holmes was wrong:Ìý Reopening the case of The Hound of the Baskervilles.Ìý The Sherlock Holmes Society Journal, 29 (2) Summer, 2009, page 76.

235. Brown, R. E. The contributions of Donald O. Hebb to Developmental Psychobiology.Ìý Developmental Psychobiology, 51 (7), page 581,Ìý 2009.Ìý (Abstract)

236. Molnár , Z. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Sherrington's Box of Wonders 1. – The slides Sherrington used to write his papers and teach his classe.Ìý Program No.19.5.ÌýÌý 2009 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2009. Online.

237. Brown, R. E. andÌý Molnár, Z.Ìý Sherrington's Box of Wonders 2. Sherrington and Ruffini.Ìý Program No. 19.6.ÌýÌý 2009 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2009. Online.

238. Brown, R. E. and Martin, A.L.ÌýÌý A new separation-based model of depression in mice.ÌýÌý Program No.Ìý 342.1.ÌýÌý 2009 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2009. Online.

239. Fraser, L. M. and Brown, R. E.ÌýÌý Effects ofÌý Social and Environmental Enrichment on Cognitive Function in a Double Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.Ìý Program No. 729.4.Ìý 2009 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2009. Online.

240. Wong, A. A. and Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý A neuro-behavioral analysis of the prevention of visual impairment in the DBA/2J mouse model of glaucoma.Ìý Program No.837.13.ÌýÌýÌý 2009 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2009. Online.

241. Brown RE, Gunn RK, Wong AA, O-Leary TP, Whittaker A and Schellinck HM (2009). Short, long and very long term olfactory memory in mice. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Conference Abstract: 3rd Mediterranean Conference of Neuroscience . doi: 10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.16.114Ìý (Abstract).

242. Hussin AT and Brown RE (2009). Genetic, neural and behavioural analyses of anxiety in mice and humans: Research using data mining technology . Frontiers in Neuroscience. Conference Abstract: 3rd Mediterranean Conference of Neuroscience . doi: 10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.16.126Ìý (Abstract).