

Volume XIX (December 2001)

Table of Contents

Dedication to James A. Doull

James A. Doull — The Problem of Participation in Plato’s Parmenides

Amy Morgenstern — Leaving the Verb “To Be” Behind: An Alternative Reading of Plato’s Sophist

Louis-André Dorion — A l’origine de la question socratique et de la critique du témoignage de Xénophon: l’étude de Schleiermacher sur Socrate (1815)

Anca Vasiliu — Dire l’image ou la parole visible chez Platon (sur le Sophiste, 216a-214e)

Stephen Menn — Longinus on Plotinus

D. Gregory MacIsaac — Phantasia between Soul and Body in Proclus’ Euclid Commentary

D.W. Hadley — Eriugena Against Metaphysical Dualism

Joshua P. Hochschild — Words, Concepts and Things:  Cajetan on the Subject of the Categories

Zbigniew Janowski — How to Read the Fourth Meditation: Augustinian Sources of Descartes’ Metaphysics

Thomas H. Curran — Eros and Logos in Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice

Salvatore Lilla — Brief Notes on the Greek Corpus Areopagiticum in Rome during the Early Middle Ages