

Preventing Incidents at Sea: The History of the INCSEA Concept

By David F. Winkler
Afterword by Peter Jones and David Griffiths

ISBN: 978-1-896440-57-6
$25.00 CDN (plus S&H)



This is a revised and updated version of a book originally published as The Cold War at Sea: High Seas Confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union by the (US) Naval Institute Press. It provides a fascinating account of the numerous collisions and close calls at sea between the superpowers. More importantly the book examines the interactions and discussions that led to the signing of the Incidents at Sea Agreement (INCSEA) between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1972. This story has become an instructive case study for subsequent safety-at-sea talks between maritime states having conflicting interests. The accord's successful implementation utilizing mutually agreed on communications and operating procedures is one of the enduring positive legacies of the Cold War.

Please contact the centre to purchase a copy.