

Light switch

- December 8, 2009

Oscar Williams of Clean Nova Scotia replaces an old lightbulb with a CFL. (Nick Pearce Photo)

Here’s a bright idea.

As part of a HÂş»­â€™s ongoing environmental upgrades, HÂş»­â€™s Office of Sustainability has partnered with Housing and Clean Nova Scotia (CNS) to embark on a campus-wide lighting upgrade. In partnership with Nova Scotia Power, CNS will be replacing incandescent bulbs in campus residences with more energy efficient CFL bulbs.

“This is our initial toe-dipping into lighting,†says Rochelle Owen, director of the Office of Sustainability. “It’s a great partnership with CNS and NS Power who are coming into our housing areas and switching out incandescent bulbs to CFLs for free.â€

Over the next year, HÂş»­ will broaden its energy saving efforts and select a partner to change out lighting in academic and office buildings.

Facilities Manager Mateo Yorke thinks this is a fantastic opportunity to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions for residences across campus.

“Compared to other buildings, residence is a 24/7 operation, not like classrooms that are only opened eight hours a day, so this is going to make a huge impact.â€

“We have 2,700 students living in residence and they can see we are leading by example here,†he adds.