

Jean Wright


B. Sc. Honours Thesis

(PDF -Ìý 10.1 Mb)

A section of upper Morien strata located near the western margin of the Sydney Basin was examined.

Three sub-assemblages of sedimentary facies were recognized:

  1. Thick bedded sandstone characterized by a fining-up sequence with an erosional base containing mud filled channels and later accretion sets.
  2. Coarsening-up mixed sandstones characterized by coarsening up sequences and lenticular bedding, locally with upright plant fossils.
  3. Coal-mixed fines characterized by coal seams, mudstones and thin sandstones.

Deposition of the sub-assemblages occurred in the channels levees and floodplain, respectively, of the alluvial plain of a meandering river. Paleocurrent data and petrology of mudstones and sandstones suggest a metamorphic source area to the southwest of the basin with some input from local basement highs.

The abundant fossils trunks of bepidodendron grew on the levees and floodplain and were preserved infilling with sediment and by petrifaction by calcite.

Coal seams in the section are laterally persistent, but are thin and of poor quality.

Pages: 55
Supervisor: Martin Gibling

