BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Schulich School of Law//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241116T204628Z DTSTART:20241017T153000Z DTEND:20241017T163000Z SUMMARY:Law Hour: I Went to Law School to Make Money but Inequality Got in the Way DESCRIPTION:Law Hour and the HÂþ»­ Public Policy and Law Society are pleased to welcome the Honourable Kim Pate\, Senator (LLB '84) back to her alma mater for her talk\, "I Went to Law School to Make Money but Inequality Got in the Way."\nFollow HÂþ»­ Law Hour on Instagram to stay up to date on future Law Hour events.\n\nContact Information: LOCATION:W105 URL:/faculty/law/news-events/events/2024/10/17/law_hour.html UID:/faculty/law/news-events/events/2024/10/17/law_hour/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR