

LAWS 2103 ‑ Jessup Moot


The Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition gives law students the opportunity to argue a hypothetical case involving international law. The experience affords both training in advocacy and understanding of the international legal system. Competitions are held annually in approximately 80 countries, and winners of those competitions compete in international finals. The Canadian regional round of the competition is a national mooting competition for Canadian law students and the majority of the law schools across the country usually participate. The moot problem always contains issues redolent of a topical international affair. The Jessup Moot is sponsored by the International Law Students Association, based in Washington, D.C. Philip C. Jessup, for whom the competition is named, was one of America's most respected jurists on the International Court of Justice. Work on the competition begins in September and proceeds up to the Canadian regional round, which is held in February or March. Each team is judged on its memorials, or written arguments, and on its oral presentation. Each team must prepare a memorial for each side and must argue the case six (6) times, three times for each side. A panel of experienced judges, commonly including justices from across Canada, score the oral presentations. Jessup Moot team members will be expected to complete the requirements of the Canadian national competition to earn academic credit.

SELECTION: By an application process, possibly involving a mock oral argument, in Winter term of second year, for team participation in third year. Prior completion of an International Law course is strongly recommended. Please note: students may take only one competitive moot during their degree.

Co-requisite(s): Stronlgy recommended but not mandatory: International Law (LAWS 2012)
Assessment Method: Performance on the Jessup team. Participation in the class satisfies the major paper writing requirement, if the student wishes to count the moot as a major paper.
Restrictions: Students are not permitted to audit this course. This course is restricted to Third Year students only.

*This course is unavailable to International Linkages students.