

Accommodations and Special Consideration

Accessibility, deferrals, extensions & other accommodation

This is an overview of law school and university processes regarding requests for accommodations and special consideration. More information is available in the law school and university regulations, set out in the Schulich School of Law  Information is also included in every law course syllabus.

We wish you a happy and healthy term. If problems do arise, please contact us as soon as possible so that we may assist you.

Lucie Guibault
Associate Dean, Academic         

Accommodations and Special Consideration FAQs

How do I apply for a deferral, extension, other accommodation, or special consideration?

  1. All requests for accommodation due to barriers related to physical and mental disability, religious obligations, or any other characteristic under the Nova Scotia  require an approved Accessibility Plan through the Student Accessibility Centre (SAC) before the scheduled exam date or paper submission deadline.
  2. Special Consideration requests for exam deferrals due to sudden illness, injury or family emergency (not related to accommodations) are made by completing the . Emails must be addressed to the Studies Committee
  3. Please note that special consideration from the Studies Committee has not been granted until you are advised by the Office of the Associate Dean, Academic. 

How does deferral of exam work?

The  provide that: 

"Where it can be established that, for medical or personal reasons, a student's ability to write and examination is significantly hampered, the Studies Committee or the Student Accessibility Centre may allow the student to write a special examination.

Requests for special exams must be made as soon as possible, and before the exam is to be written. Where a student becomes ill during an exam, the student must immediately contact the Associate Dean's Office before the end of the exam.

Fall special exams are written in the winter term, and winter special exams are written in the summer term.."

How do extensions on major papers or assignments work?

The provide that

"Students are expected to submit assignments by their due date and time unless they have express prior permission from the Studies Committee or the Student Accessibility Centre for an extended deadline. Individual instructors and faculty members cannot grant extensions in response to individual student requests. All student requests for special accommodation must be directed to the Associate Dean’s office or to the Student Accessibility Centre, depending on the circumstances. 

Where it can be established that due to medical or personal emergency, a student's ability to work on a major paper or other assignment has been significantly hampered, the student may request an extension on the paper or assignment. Such a request must be made as soon as possible to the Assistant Dean of Student Services and Engagement, and in all cases before the paper or assignment is due. "

What kind of documentation do I need to provide?

Students seeking special consideration that is not related to an approved accommodation through the Student Accessibility Centre must provide the Studies Committee with satisfactory documentation to support their requests.

It is important that documentation be contemporaneous with the circumstances relied upon. In the case of a request based on a medical condition, the Committee will require a letter from a doctor. Students who become ill during the exam period, or during the course of an exam or assignment, must see a doctor as quickly as possible (i.e. that same day) so as to properly document their illness.

What are the deadlines for applying for deferrals, extensions, other accommodation, or special consideration?

The deadlines for accommodation requests through the Student Accessibility Centre (SAC) can be found on their webpage. Please note that some deadlines are quite early. So please go to their website immediately and find out what time limits apply.

Accommodations are approved for one academic year only. Students are required to reactivate accommodations with the Student Accessibility Centre at the beginning of each academic year. 

Students with an approved Student Accessibility Plan requesting an exam deferral must contact their Stuednt Accessibility Advisor as soon as possible, and no later than the date on which the exam is to be written. 

All Studies Committee requests for special consideration should be made as soon as possible, and in any event, no later than the date on which the exam is to be written. When a student becomes ill during an exam and, as a result of that illness, intends to request an exam deferral, the student must contact law.jd.student@dal.ca or designate. 

 Where a student intends to request an extension, the request should be made as soon as possible, and in any event, no later than the date on which the assignment or paper is due immediately, and in any event, no later than at then end of the exam period. 

Please note that special consideration for assignmnet extensions from the Studies Committee has not been granted until you are advised of this by the Office of the Associate Dean, Academic.