

Joint Action Research Lab

The musculoskeletal health research suite at the School of Physiotherapy is a state-of-the-art human movement science research laboratory. A fusion of engineering, orthopedics, kinesiology and physiotherapy, the musculoskeletal suite brings capabilities in motion capture, electromyography, muscle strength testing and force sensing through functional testing of gait, jumping, lifting and sit to stand tasks.


Opportunities for collaboration
The focus of physical activity and mobility is the foundation for research in the musculoskeletal health research suite, one of five research clusters in the Faculty of Health. Our studies have spanned younger to older adults, individuals with knee osteoarthritis, hip osteoarthritis, femoral acetabular impingement syndrome, and those returned to activity after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. We strive to determine the impact of injury on joint function and implications for movement assessment and rehabilitation.

As a research space in the Faculty of Health, School of Physiotherapy we are looking forward to continued collaboration among researchers interested in utilizing the musculoskeletal health research suite. For information regarding the musculoskeletal health research suite and its use, please contact the school of physiotherapy director.

Sample publications
Rutherford, D. J., Moyer, R., Baker, M., Saleh, S. (2020). "High day-to-day repeatability of lower extremity muscle activation patterns and joint biomechanics of dual-belt treadmill gait: A reliability study in healthy young adults." J Electromyogr Kinesiol 51: 102401.

Lohnes, J., Urquhart, N., Wong, I., Stanish, W. Rutherford, D. J. (2022). "Do individuals with knee osteoarthritis walk with distinct knee biomechanics and muscle activation characteristics? An investigation of knee osteoarthritis, hip osteoarthritis, and asymptomatic groups." Gait Posture 99: 14-19.

Baker, M., Stanish, W., Rutherford, D.J. (2019). "Walking challenges in moderate knee osteoarthritis: A biomechanical and neuromuscular response to medial walkway surface translations." Hum Mov Sci 68: 102542.

Rutherford, D. J., Moreside, J., Wong, I. (2018). "Differences in Hip Joint Biomechanics and Muscle Activation in Individuals With Femoroacetabular Impingement Compared With Healthy, Asymptomatic Individuals: Is Level-Ground Gait Analysis Enough?" Orthop J Sports Med 6(5): 2325967118769829.

Moreside, J., Wong, I., Rutherford, D.J.  (2018). "Altered erector spinae activity and trunk motion occurs with moderate and severe unilateral hip OA." J Orthop Res 36(7): 1826-1832.

Rutherford, D.J., Licht, F., Dorrance, A (2023). Standardized sit-to-stand capability for the ibex. Report prepared for Company partner: Axtion Independence Mobility Inc.