

W. Burris Coburn

Burris Coburn was an outstanding farmer and a strong supporter of agricultural organizations and his community of Keswick Ridge, N. B. He believed in the mixed farm concept and encouraged good land stewardship through the latest cultivation methods. The Coburn orchard was always an example of his interest in the latest practices. He entered egg production, and at the time of his death, the farm had the most modern computer monitored facilities in Eastern Canada.

His family was always uppermost in his mind and his example kept the three sons in the farm business. One son looks after the orchard; another son manages the greenhouse pepper and bedding plant production, along with the chickens; while a third son manages the year-round family owned roadside farm market.

Burns believed in strong agricultural organizations. He served on the Board of Directors of the New Brunswick Federation of Agriculture for many years, was a Director of the Capital Co-op limited, Sunny Glen Eggs, the N. B. Egg Marketing Board and the Apple Marketing Board. Always interested in direct farm marketing, he was a founding member of the Boyce Farmers Market, and the family still maintains a stall there. He served on the Appeals Board of the Farm Credit Corporation and also on the Advisory Board for agricultural programs at the New Brunswick Community College. At the time of his death he was vice-president of the Canadian Horticultural Congress.

His philosophy toward agriculture was that of creating a sustainable farm unit owned and operated by the family. He believed farming was an honourable profession and expressed regrets at the loss of farms in his area over the years.

He was a strong supporter of community projects and his church.

Nominated by the New Brunswick Federation of Agriculture, W. Burris Coburn, one of the most recognized farmers in New Brunswick, is a deserving candidate for induction into the Atlantic Agriculture Hall of Fame.